vendredi 19 décembre 2014

Illustrator - Compund Paths (2 paths) to SVG

I have two compound paths that seemingly can't be merged together with any of the Pathfinder presets without loss or distortion to the objects.

This image represents the two objects in the Layers panel that have been joined into Compund Path's.

enter image description here

Currently I'm exporting the glyph to SVG by clicking File > Save As, then using the following export settings:

enter image description here

The first Compound Path's path's are simply single line path's with a 100 pt stroke applied. The second Compound Path's path's are 7 circles with a #000 fill.

I've also tried probably 10-12 different approaches in converting these objects into Compound Path's before exporting to modify what is being exported to SVG, such as combining all into one Compund Path. But when I import the glyph into IcoMoon App the SINGLE LINE PATH's that have the 100 pt stroke applied DO NOT RENDER.

(What I mean by a Single Line Path is simply a Path that does not close (no fill can be applied).)


What do we need to do to get a Single Line Path to render when loading into IcoMoon?

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