I have an ad designed where the banner pops up over a movie on mouse over and subsequently disappears when the mouse is taken away and restarts the movie. Code is AS2.
I need to change the way the expanded banner shows. Currently it pops in but I would like it to slide in from right to left.
Code as follows:
import flash.external.*; import com.greensock.TweenLite;
C_Height = 205; C_Width = 444; C_Unexpanded = 150; C_Zone = "zone50";
MyButton.onRelease = function(){
getURL("http://Removed for privacy", "_blank");
MyButton.onRollOver = function() { TweenLite.to(MyButton, .5, {_width:C_Width}); TweenLite.to(Expanded, .5, {_alpha:100,onComplete :function(){ }}); TweenLite.to(Unexpanded, .5, {_alpha:0,onComplete :function(){ Unexpanded.Animation.gotoAndStop(1); Unexpanded._visible = false; }});
//Expanded._alpha = 100;
Expanded._visible = true;
ExternalInterface.call("showFlashContent", C_Zone, C_Height, C_Width, "", "", "", "", "left");
MyButton.onRollOut = function() {
TweenLite.to(MyButton, .5, {_width:C_Unexpanded});
TweenLite.to(Expanded, .5, {_alpha:0,onComplete :function(){ Expanded._visible = false; }});
TweenLite.to(Unexpanded, .5, {_alpha:100,onStart :function(){ Unexpanded.Animation.gotoAndPlay(1); }});
Unexpanded._visible = true;
ExternalInterface.call("closeFlashContent", C_Zone);
// Load Movies
Unexpanded.attachMovie('MC_Unexpanded','Animation', 1); Unexpanded.Animation.setMask(UnexpandedMask);
Expanded._visible = false; // Expanded._x = 580; Expanded._alpha = 0; Expanded.attachMovie('MC_Expanded','Animation', 1); Expanded.Animation.setMask(ExpandedMask); //Expanded.Animation._x -= C_Width/2; //Expanded.Animation._y -= C_Height/2;
Any ideas?
I have tried every option. Every option I can come up with anyway!